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Get to Know WINCO – Summer Crew

WINCO has around 80 full-time employees.

This summer, high school students from surrounding schools used their summer break to work for us.

Let’s meet them!

Name: Dante Juberian
Hobbies: Running, gaming, technology

Q: What grade are you going into?
A: I will be starting my Senior year.

Q: Do you run for your school?
A: Yes, I run cross country and track. We went to State last season and I got 14th place.

Q: What kind of technology do you like?
A: PlayStation, Xbox, and Apple gadgets.

Q: Any plans for after High School?
A: I want to go to college, not sure what I want to major in.

Q: How are you liking WINCO?
A: I like it. Everyone is nice and I like that I get to do different things everyday.

Name: Zach Gargett
Hobbies: Sports, my old car, gaming

Q: What grade are you going into?
A: I am going into my Senior year.

Q: What kind of old car do you have?
A: It is a 2009 Pontiac G8

Q: What sports do you like?
A: Hockey and football.

Q: Any plans for after High School?
A: Not sure, I do want to go to college.

Q: How are you liking WINCO?
A: Same as Dante, I like it. We get to do different things every day and people are nice here.

Name: Katelyn Call
Hobbies: Drawing, video games, watching TV, sleeping, reading, writing

Q: What grade are you going into?
A: I am starting my Freshman year.

Q: What do you like to write?
A: Fantasy/fiction stories.

Q: I heard you like Anime, what is your favorite?
A: Saiki K at the moment.

Q: Any plans for after High School?
A: Not sure yet.

Q: How are you liking WINCO?
A: This is my first job. I like it, people are cool. I have been working as a material handler and picking parts.

Name: Janik Wagner
Hobbies: Gaming, working around the house, water sports, drawing, running.

Q: What grade are you going into?
A: I am going into my Senior year.

Q: Do you run for your school?
A: Yes, track and cross country.

Q: Any plans for after High School?
A: I want to go to college, probably get a business degree.

Q: How are you liking WINCO?
A: It is a good environment and good work experience. I liked working in maintenance the most.

Thank you for taking time to talk with me! We enjoyed having you all here and hope that you have a great 2022-2023 school year! We hope you come back next summer!

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